One day, while I was walking to work, I found this little cutie barking at the passing cars. We've see a ton of homeless dogs in Mexico, so I'm not sure why I felt it was so obvious that I needed to help her, but it was, and I did. I just called to her, and she immediately ran over to me, licked me, and put her paw on my leg. I motioned for her to come with me, and she ran right next to me all the way back to our apartment. Once there, I left Billy the early morning surprise of a puppy to take care of. But seriously, look at her-- who can say no? When I got home from class I opened the bedroom door and found Maya and Billy snuggled in bed together =) Anyway, she is so smart, sweet, and affectionate, and we fell in love with her right away. Billy came up with the perfect name-- "Maya" -- in honor of finding her in Mexico. She lived with us for two weeks and learned some fancy tricks in that time. All things considered, we ended up deciding it was best for her, and for us (although it was super hard) to give her to our boss' family. They have 3 kids and had been wanting a new dog for a while. They were so excited at the opportunity to adopt her, and they have since told us that she is very happy in their family and that all their kids are sharing the dog-owning responsibilities. We miss her but are super glad she's not living a homeless-dog life and that she is with a family that loves her and can give her lots of attention and exercise